Winter Climbing Skills


I spent the weekend with Edinburgh University Mountaineering Club looking and winter climbing skills.


Saturday I spent with Tuva and Erling moving along the Fiaciall Ridge. A busy day on the ridge – most people electing not to venture onto the slope in corries.

Lots of wind loading on the scarps and exits with large cornices building. A pleasant day’s weather and  sociable on the ridge!

There was still some wind loading during Saturday, so James, Ellie and I discussed options. The weather was set to get windy and snowy from midday, so we elected for a Twin Ribs day as this give us time to pack a lot in low on the hill. This turned out to be a good choice.

It was very windy at times with damp wind than rimed up our clothes, hair and equipment.

James and Ellie got a couple of short, technical pitches of mixed climbing in, then we got to look at building anchors,  route choice and movement skills and snow anchors before running back to the car just before the blizzards hit.

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